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36th annual holiday sale - participating artists

click on the image to see more of the artist's work 

Becker1 - Annie Becker.jpg

annie becker

JaLuken3 - Janet Luken.jpg

janet luken

Taber-20240909_184952 - Gail Taber.png

gail taber

IMG_2873 - Jacqueline Verdile.jpg

jackie verdile

IMG_3236 - walter weil.jpeg

walter weil, sandra lang


el-red jewelry

Bird Yasenchack 2024 - Mark Y.jpg

mark yasenchack

Summer Tradition - paula zinsmeister.jpg

paula zinsmeister

Lis_boulderopalearringSS -

zenia lis jewelry

Dhess_samenew_12x12 - Darlene Hess.jpg

darlene hess

nancy luken

Mikula Glass Hanukkiah - Michael Mikula.JPG

michael mikula glass

McBride1 -

blistering pig farms

Pozo-3 oval deep dishes - Angelica Pozo.jpg

angelica pozo

IMG_2880 - Fortunes Cookies.jpeg

fortunes cookies

IMG_5202 - Jessica Skinner.jpeg

jburgess designs

AlanMintz2  - Alan Mintz.jpg

alan mintz

Claire Raack_SculpturalVase - Claire Raack.jpg

claire raack

NLuken1 - Nancy Luken.JPG

nancy luken

20240711_114158 - Deborah Woolfork.jpg

deborah woolfork

JHall2 - Janet Hall.jpg

janet hall

YEZZA3 - Kristin Yezza.jpg

kristin yezza

Brabant3 - mark brabant.jpg

mark brabant

20240906_155203 - Pam Pepper.jpg

pam pepper

Will Wilson 5 - wwwillieee.jpg

will wilson

JD-Bright Group 3R - Jeffrey Balazs.jpg

jeff balazs

ZiemskaOlga_Ona - O Z.jpg

olga ziemska

prairy erth designs

Talevska 3 - Patience - Nada.jpg

pressed flower artisan

Friedman 1 - julie friedman.JPG

julie friedman

LukenJeff2 - Janet Luken.jpg

blue shirt woodshop

Schnell__Detail of uniquely framed photographs - Jean Schnell.jpg

jean schnell

zelaski2 - 1 -

felt wooly creations

Harkin 1 - Courtney Phillips.JPG

courtney phillips

kobyljanec1 - Kathy Kobyljanec.jpeg

misty dawn handwovens

paetz1 - Catherine P..jpg

catherine paetz

#2compass earrings - Patti Fields.jpg

patti fields

Skull Pulley Bag 2024 Nina V Huryn - Nina Huryn.jpg

nina vivian huryn

Weese1_24 - Katie W.jpg

crybby obsessions

Young1 - Martha Young.JPG

martha young

IMG_20240314_075914_983 - April Couch.jpg

totally tangled creations

IMG_4560 - Joyce MorrowJones.jpeg

joyce morrow jones

Wertheim5 - Peggy Wertheim.jpg

peggy wertheim

IMG_0851 - Kristin Barnes.jpeg

sweet bean candies

James 2 -

earl james and linda zmina

IMG_2291 - Barbara Bloom.jpeg

images in bloom

Electric Lamps - Marcus Schafer.jpg

marcus schafer - sworks

IMG_2076 - Tess Young.jpeg

tess young

IMG_0614.jpeg Slaintehome - Deborah Abramson.jpeg

slainte home

KristinEllis_BlueStarBowl1920 - Kristin Ellis.jpg

kristin ellis

DrewH1.jpg - Drew Hocevar.JPG

drew hocevar

Homoderus gladiator - Preston Roberts.png

preston roberts

Stauber_Patience - Celeste Stauber.jpg

celeste stauber

Freeman1 - Allison Freeman.jpg

hip knot ties

DNFHallElixir - DNF Luxe Retail Co..jpg

dnf luxe retail co.

LundIconWhiskeyM - Jon Lund.jpg

jon lund

IMG_3415 - Michael Nolan.jpeg

michael nolan

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